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Vigilant Software reseller programme

Working together to provide a better service.

Our resellers play an integral role in our development and growth.

As a reseller, your organisation can benefit greatly from our market-leading risk assessment and compliance software.

Join us today!

What can we do together?

Selling software solutions provides you with a dependable revenue stream, helps you retain clients and builds your credibility as a trusted player in the ISO 27001, GDPR and information security fields.


Sales support

Technical support

Marketing support

Financial support


How to become a reseller

Vigilant Software offers four options with several benefits. Our options:


You are a software reseller or distributor that wants to create a dependable revenue stream, retain clients and build credibility as a trusted player in the ISO 27001.

ISO 27001/GDPR consultant

You are a qualified and experienced ISO 27001 or GDPR consultant who is looking for a simplified way to help clients with their compliance projects, ensuring that they can record, maintain and update them in one system.

Managed security provider 

You are a managed security provider that not only helps to implements ISO 27001 and/or the GDPR but also uses third-party solutions and sells them to your clients.

DPO consultancy 

You offer DPO as a service to clients that do not have the requisite internal resource or expertise. Our products can help you and your clients manage and maintain their projects.


Interested in reselling with us?

Please complete our form and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Call us: +44 (0)333 700 1 700
